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Home > english-chinese > "failure of navigation aids" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "failure of navigation aids"


Related Translations:
failure:  n.1.失败 (opp. success); 不及格。2.不足,缺乏;衰退;【医学】衰竭。3.不履行,玩忽。4.破产,倒闭;(银行等的)无力支付。5.失败的事;失败者。6.【物理学】失效;【机械工程】断裂,破坏,变钝。短语和例子F- is the mother of success. = F- teaches success. 〔谚语〕失败是成功之母。 a failure
car navigation:  车内导向系统机定位汽车导航手汽车导航系统汽车寻向器
navigation constant:  导航常数
navigation sonar:  导航声呐导航声纳
acoustic navigation:  声导航声纳导航声响导航声响航法声学导航音响导航
navigation pod:  航行外挂包
river navigation:  内河航运
navigation display:  导航显示航行显示器
nav navigation:  航海
grid navigation:  格网导航网格航行网格领航
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